Dingle Town

The Dingle Way
The Dingle Way is a beautifully scenic long distance walking trail on the world famous Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry, Ireland.

Dingle Food Festival
The Dingle Food Festival takes place on the first weekend in October every year and offers a glimpse into the rich culture of food in Dingle.
Useful Dingle Resources
Dingle Peninsula Tourism www.dingle-peninsula.ie
Dingle Sea Safari www.dingleseasafari.com
Dingle Dolphin Tours www.dingledolphin.com
Blasket Island Trips www.greatblasketisland.net
Ceann Sibeal Golf Course www.dinglelinks.com
Dingle Ocean World www.dingle-oceanworld.ie
Dingle Marathon www.dinglemarathon.ie
Dick Macks Brewhouse www.dickmackspub.com
Dingle Distillery www.dingledistillery.com
Scuird Archaeological Tours www.ancientdingle.com
Coast Line Tours www.coastline-tours.com
Blasket Centre www.blasket.ie
Louis Mulcahy Pottery www.louismulcahy.com
Irish Adventure www.irishadventures.net